Wednesday, September 21, 2011

She gained weight!

Got miss whit weighed on tuesday and she gained!! In two weeks she gained 7 oz! That's huge! and very surprising!  She's been 16 lbs 14 oz for a month solid! Now she weighs 17 lbs 5 oz.  That's 7 oz!  Pediatrician said she should gain about 2 oz a week.  The wierd thing is that on our no goat's milk formula trial Whitney threw up 3-4 times a day!  Way way worse than the 1-2 times a day.  I'm so confused.  I don't knew if I should go back to the goat milk or wait another week, getting very mixed signals.....threw up a lot yet gained a ton of weight.... 

Whitney is still not interested in eating by mouth. She gets very upset and frustrated.  Which makes me less motivated to feed her.  But I hold strong and let her play in her food 2-3 times a day.  Even though I'm getting very tired of her vomitting all day and grumpiness, I know I need to do my best for Whitney, and one day she will be an eater! 

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