Monday, August 8, 2011

Photo Summary: Whitney's 1st Year

Newborn: diagnosis right-sided Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia.  Missing 75% of the right side diaphram.  Liver and intestines in chest restricting lung growth and pushing on heart.  1 in every 2500 births. 50% survial rate.  Whitney = 20% chance survial. 

6 pounds 10 ounces

Immediately intubated.  On ECMO (Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) Day 1 of life till Day 6.  CDH repair surgery on day of life 7.   Recovered and healed.  Received formula via NG tube. Learned to drink from a bottle.

Stayed in NICU (nursery intensive care unit) for 56 days. Came home at 2 months old oxygen dependant.

Three months old

Start at home physical therapy and feeding therapy

Four months old

Diagnosis: Failure to Thrive, severe reflux, aspriation

Five months old

admitted to hospital for NG tube
on prevacid (acid reflux), bethanechol (control esophagus), and Alimentum formula (hypoallergenic)

Six months old

did not tolerate Alimentum
discovered a goat milk formula
start solids

Seven months old

Whitney vomits one to two times a day. 

12 pounds 13 ounces

Eight months old

Only drinks from a bottle while asleep and takes 2-4 oz at a time.  90% tube feed.

14 pounds 2 ounces

Nine months old

15 lbs 2 oz

 Ten months old

off of the oxygen and still won't eat solids
on Goat milk formula and no medications.

15 lbs 7 oz

 Eleven months old

Switched back to Alimentum, vomits every feed for 6 days. 
Prescribed Neocate Jr. unflavored and tolerates it with once a day throw ups.
15 lbs 13 oz

Twelve months old

On NG tube for 9 months.  I think it makes her gag and vomit more, and makes oral aversions worse.  Will be getting a G-Tube soon...

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