Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Homemade Backback for Joey Pump

So for the longest time I wanted a new backpack for Whitney's Joey Feeding Pump.  I've just been using the one that the feeding supply company (Option 1) provided.  It blah and fannie pack like so it doesn't stay on my shoulder very well.  I put up a video of it at the end of this post so you can see it.   I was wanting to order one online for like 60+ dollars but I was hoping to get the Zervex Infinity Pump.  The Dr. said that's only for continuous feeds so Whitney didn't get the smaller pump. 

So I went to Walmart in search a small backpack with big zipper front pocket.  Very luckily I found this $7 bright pink small backpack!  It works perfectly!  I bought the Munchin insulator for the ice pack and feeding back.  The backpack still gets cold but at least it doesn't get all wet anymore!  I also bought some foam letters, flowers and butterflies to decorate it with! 

I cut a big enough hole through the insulator and lined it up with a cut hole in the backpack.  Thread the tube through, put it in the pump, and out the other hole on the right side of the backpack. It has the loop on top to hang from her IV pole at night and during her nap.  It's way cuter for outings!  It didn't cost that much and was fun to make! It is much more comfortable to hold and I can wear it on my back WHILE Whitney runs around. 

  Of course now that we are doing to Blended Diet I don't use it all day.  I mostly used it for her 3 night feeds, and one feed during her nap.  The other two meals when she's awake I do some oatmeal cereal and baby jarred puree in with her formula.  Lately though at the 8 AM meal, she throws it up!  I don't know why, she does just fine with the same blend at 4 PM.  I should probably call the dietician about that!

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